I’m late sharing my thoughts with you this month, because I struggled to find words that had meaning in a time when we are blanketed with fear. But here it is, the one thing that will save us from disaster is persistence in the effort to help one another.
The irony is that as a result of our isolation, our social distancing, we are getting a glimpse into the many ways in which we are connected and dependent on one another. We are protecting ourselves, and our families; we are also protecting each other. We see the world turned upside down and shutting down; fear of the unknown is disrupting a nonchalant approach to living that many of us have taken in the past. The attitude of indifference to the suffering of others and of our environment is over. No one is immune. Where we were focused on our differences in the past, we are getting a glimpse now at the way that the world exists as one cohesive organism.
There will be consequences and we all hope that solutions will arise to help those most severely affected. We need each other now, more than ever. Not only health issues, but also social and financial worries will play havoc with society. When we look back at this ‘moment in time’ and the way we reacted, let’s hope that it shines a light, not a shadow, on humanity.
Let’s find ways to fill our souls with beauty and inspiration. Reach out, stay in touch (at a distance), be patient and understanding when someone expresses fear. And look after your own wellbeing, too. I’m spending time in the studio just exploring. Shows will be cancelled, but that doesn’t mean I’ll stop creating. I’ll listen to music that makes me move joyfully. I’ve been heading to the rocky shoreline along Nova Scotia’s Atlantic Ocean, rock-hopping, walking along the coastal paths and feeling the cold wind and sunshine on my face. Those things lift me up when I’m feeling down. I haven’t hugged a friend in many days, but I know that the minute this is over, there will be a hug-fest like never before. I’m holding on to that and counting on all of you to keep your chin up and hearts open.
Let’s stay in touch. Let’s share our thoughts and feelings openly and help each other wherever and whenever we can. This is our chance to become who we were meant to be on earth.